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while studying 意味

"while studying"の例文


  • while studying
  • while     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it.
  • studying     studying 修業 修行 しゅうぎょう しゅぎょう 研磨 研摩 けんま
  • to listen to music while studying    to listen to music while studying 勉強の傍ら音楽を聞く べんきょうのかたわらおんがくをきく
  • studying    studying 修業 修行 しゅうぎょう しゅぎょう 研磨 研摩 けんま
  • studying with    ~門下の
  • a while    a while 一寸 鳥渡 ちょっと 稍 やや
  • for a while    for a while 一頻り ひとしきり
  • in a while    すぐに、間もなく、しばらくすれば、少したって、しばらくの間 You haven't been out here in a (little) while, have you? しばらくこっちの方に来てなかったね。 I'll get it in a (little) while. すぐにそれを取りに行きます。
  • while     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さい I'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だ I spent a while in a coffee shop.
  • while at in    在学中に
  • apparatus for studying    ~を調べる装置{そうち}
  • begin studying    ~の検討{けんとう}を始める
  • goals in studying    《someone's ~》~を勉強{べんきょう}[学習{がくしゅう}]するに当たっての(人)の目標{もくひょう}
  • hate studying    勉強が嫌い
  • in college studying    《be ~》大学{だいがく}で~を勉強{べんきょう}している


  • it must be the girlfriend you met while studying abroad .
    留学中に会った 彼女みたいですね
  • it's someone he met while studying abroad .
  • while studying abroad , he changed name and identified as momosuke nagai .
  • while studying in the west , the school closed but the name remained .
  • while studying in geneva , iwao met lev mechnikov , a russian revolutionist .
  • but we learned something important about naruto's new technique while studying the corpse .
    ナルトの新術について わかったことがある。
  • while studying at keio gijuku , he was adopted by yukichi fukuzawa and later , married fusa , the second daughter of yukichi .
  • juntaro learned english and general mathematics while studying in nagasaki and he returned to kanazawa in the first year of the meiji era .
  • he became a priest in his youth and while studying tendai buddhism and esoteric buddhism at onjo-ji temple , he also came to excel in painting .
  • ninjitsu entered the temple on mt . hiei and learned about the tendai sect while studying under ninkaku , ningen , keicho , ningo , shokaku and sokan .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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